Please consider becoming a sponsor for our cause. We hope to fund our own administrative costs but need your financial support to travel and distribute these much needed supplies to make an impact for these students throughout the developing regions of our hemisphere. Your money will go directly to basic school supplies, travel costs (plane, hotel, and ground transportation), materials (flyers, party favors, and banners) and Distribution (Freight, taxes, tariffs, delivery). Our sponsor packages include the following:
Trip Angel – $3,500 to $5,000
- Sponsor a specific trip to a specific school. Receive pictures of the presentation party with the kids you helped. Each trip will have unique set of challenges and any monies you donated that were not used will be allocated as to next project. As a Trip Angel you will also receive the benefits of our Country Patrons and Donors
Country Patron – $1,000
- Designate a specific country in the Americas to help. Receive updates on change agents in your country and Bios of those that will be so important to expanding our network and furthering our cause. As a Country Donor you will also receive the benefits of our Donors.
ABC4Kids Donor – $100 and up
- You will receive updates of our expanding networks and new change agents. Our newsletter will show you results of our Sustainable Outcome Model, how we are progressing and our real impact on the community, one student at a time.
Donations – Please give what you can.